Our Heirloom Vegetables
What are heirloom vegetables?
= /ˈerlo͞om/ /ˈvejtəb(ə)l
Heirloom vegetables are vegetables grown from seeds that predate genetic modification and modern agriculture.
At Hoffman Heritage & Heirlooms, we do our part for seed preservation and take pride in strictly growing heirloom variety vegetables. Growing heirlooms allows us to offer vegetables that are higher in flavor as well as nutritional content, making them healthier and better for optimal digestion.
Although they have their fair share of healthy benefits, growing heirlooms don’t always make the prettiest produce. Most of the vegetables you see in the grocery store are genetic hybrids that have been genetically modified to be more appealing. Bigger, better looking and bred to be resistant to common pathogens and fluctuations of global climate change. We like that our growing practices make you understand the local environment and that things aren’t grown in a box. People at farmer’s market will be like “gosh these tomatoes are split” and I respond and say “Well we got 3 inches of rain last week, that causes the tomatoes to split. Or they say “This produce is sunburned,” and I say “Well that’s because it was 95 degrees last week and it’s not supposed to be 95 degrees in April.
For the record, we still think our produce is gorgeous. Take a look below and decide for yourself. We will take REAL produce over lab grown produce any day.

Produce you can feel good about eating. All of our vegetables are chemical free. We do not use pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers while growing any of our heirloom produce. Instead, we use gardening techniques that encourage vigorous plant growth and discourage pests such as crop rotation and companion planting.
Chemical Free
Fresh, local food
All of heirloom produce, with the exception of storage crops (e.g., sweet potatoes, winter squash) is typically harvested the day before we offer it for purchase. Furthermore, despite being grown in a chemical free manner, we go to great lengths to ensure that produce is clean and soil free (e.g., our bagged greens are triple washed). We want you and your family to not only eat well but also enjoy doing so by making it as convenient as possible.